A Bobora's experiences on exchange in Seoul National University
City life ain't easy. Maybe not as much as Tokyo, but Seoul is dense in population. The city never sleeps. It seems like daily life is so congested with too much action, and as each day progresses by, the need for a breath of fresh air slowly creeps in. But that all gets thwarted by Seoul's poor air quality. 

Thus, to escape this wonderful-but-tiring city, with great company, I booked tickets to Jeju Island.

Jeju Island, lying south of South Korea in the Korean Strait, is a volcanic island currently self-governed by the local government, headquartered in Jeju City, located on the north of the island. Mount Halla, which dominates in the center of the island, is primary volcanic island of Jeju. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site, with a beautiful crater lake at the peak of the mountain.

Jeju has been described as "Seoul's Hawaii." The tropical and laid-back feel of the island was definitely similar to Hawaii; however, unlike Hawaii, Jeju experiences four seasons throughout the year. 

A total of 8 people traveled to Jeju with me to enjoy a weekend of island fun. However, due to class scheduling, we all departed at separate times. For the flight there, I traveled with Mandy and Sylvia via Eastar Jet (a low-cost but pretty reliable airlines).

The first thought that came to my mind after our hour flight was, "IT'S COLD AND WINDY!" Yes, it was cold and windy, with a hint of overcast. Our hostel, a 10-minute drive from the airport, offered airpot pick-up service. 
Rainbow in Jeju, the hostel we stayed at, was amazing. For about $22 per night with comfy beds, towels provided, guitars to jam on, and cook-yourself breakfasts provided, I'd suggest it to anyone headed to Jeju. 

The first night, Mandy, Sylvia, and I headed to Jeju Love Land, an outdoor museum all about "adult matters." Needless to say, it would be bad if I posted photos and talked too much about it... But it was definitely fun, hilarious, and even disturbing at times. A must-go for couples and those who find humor in such odd subjects. Later that night, three other lady friends from SNU arrived at the hostel. Don't worry, another dude is scheduled to arrive tomorrow...of course, with another lady. Nonetheless, a great gender ratio.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's planned Friday adventures at Halla-san and Jeju's famous beaches!

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